Friday 7 September 2012

Handwoven from homespun :)

This was woven from my homespun wool (there was some merino, some mystery wool)  Plain weave on a simple two shaft loom that had a faulty brake.  I generally don't like fringes, but I kept them around this time.
It took a while, which is part of the reason I haven't been around all summer, which is a shame, because I seem to have collected some pageviews in my absence.  Hello, whoever you are :)
At any rate, I will try and post on a slightly more regular basis, but there are absolutely no promises.
I really should have taken a picture of the pre-woven yarn

Saturday 30 June 2012

Ever seen a sunset and a rainbow at the same time?It was much better in real life.

You can't take the sky from me...

Wednesday 27 June 2012

"You're not a man.  You're God."
"No, I am not"
"Yes, You are!  I've been waiting for You.  I've been waiting for You to speak."
"God has spoken.  This world.  This is what He's said."

- Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo

Monday 25 June 2012

A rant concerning Art

-Stolen objects in a display case


-Statement or just trying to mess with people.  Mess with perception?  Does being display make something art?  Or is the art in the taking, the action?  Banksy.  Graffiti.  Is the art what is left after the act or the act itself.  Disobedience.  Rebellion.  Upsetting the status quo.  Would Banksy be as revered if his art was in a gallery as opposed to on the streets.  Would he be as admired if anyone knew his name.  Her name.  It.  Is the point the result or the idea.

-Cezanne.  Popova.  Braque.  The fracturing of form.  The disintegration of reality.  Duchamp.  A wheel on a stool, made useless.  Does effort make something art or does meaning.  You don’t have to like it, you just have to think.  Does beauty make something art or does realism become useless in the face of change.  Changing ideals.  Changing purpose.  Changing world.

-Van Gogh.  Monet.  Colour or form.  Is what we see what is there or is there something else.  Impressionism was rebellion at one point, and now – art made to shock?  Art made to laugh in the face of progress or to place it on a pedestal?  The Untimely Transmogrification of the Problem.  What problem and what change.  Bombarded by images – is there too much to deal with in this world?  Television.  Sexuality.  How long ago would this have been insane.  What makes it acceptable now.  In 200 years will this pointless, passé, quaint?  Past.  Present.  And future.

-Pablo Picasso.  Can something be at once so real and so fractured.  Can a person?  In one image, reality and delusion, intangibility.  Redundancy or contrast.  Light or dark.  Life or death.  Free or crucified.  Are we alive.  Is art.  War or peace.  Freedom or slavery.  Is ignorance bliss?  Are choice and change a blessing or a curse.  Are we doomed to be free, or were we ever?  Is this why art exists?  Is art the question or the answer.  What is the question?  Or is there more than one?

-To be, or not to be?  How can such a question be so simple?  Why is it a question at all?

-Why do we create?  Why do we destroy?  Epstein.  The rock drill.  What is the point of war,  Machinery or nature?

-Why paint in black and white when you can have all the bright shades of uncertainty.  And why did Van Gogh see what others cannot in the sky?